press the keys a t the correct time a nd the system does not boot, a n error
messa ge will be displa yed a nd you will a ga in be a sked to...
To Continue,
To Enter Setup.
Using Setup
In genera l, you use the a rrow keys to highlight items, press <Enter> to select, use
the Pa geUp a nd Pa geDown keys to cha nge entries, press <F1> for help a nd press
<Esc> to quit. The following ta ble provides more deta il a bout how to na viga te
in the Setup progra m using the keyboa rd.
Up a rrow
Move to previous item
Down a rrow
Move to next item
Left a rrow
Move to the item in the left ha nd
Right a rrow
Move to the item in the right ha nd
Esc key
Ma in Menu -- Quit a nd not sa ve cha nges into CMOS
Sta tus Pa ge Setup Menu a nd Option Pa ge Setup Menu -- Exit
current pa ge a nd return to Ma in Menu
PgUp key
Increa se the numeric va lue or ma ke cha nges
PgDn key
Decrea se the numeric va lue or ma ke cha nges
+ key
Increa se the numeric va lue or ma ke cha nges
- key
Decrea se the numeric va lue or ma ke cha nges
F1 key
Genera l help, only for Sta tus Pa ge Setup Menu a nd Option
Pa ge Setup Menu
(Shift)F2 key
Cha nge color from tota l 16 colors. F2 to select color
forwa rd, (Shift) F2 to select color ba ckwa rd
F3 key
Ca lenda r, only for Sta tus Pa ge Setup Menu
F4 key
F5 key
Restore the previous CMOS va lue from CMOS, only for
Option Pa ge Setup Menu
F6 key
Loa d the defa ult CMOS va lue from BIOS defa ult ta ble, only
for Option Pa ge Setup Menu
F7 key
Loa d the defa ult
F8 key
F9 key
F10 key
Sa ve a ll the CMOS cha nges, only for Ma in Menu