Choices a re
a nd
Disabled (default).
This item a llows you to determine the IRQ / DMA
a ssigned to the ISA bus a nd is not a va ila ble to a ny PCI slot.
Choices a re
Legacy ISA
a nd
This sets the method by which the PCI bus recognizes tha t a n IRQ service is
being requested by a device. Under a ll circumsta nces, you should reta in the
defa ult configura tion unless a dvised otherwise by your system ma nufacturer.
Choices are Level (default)
a nd
This a llows you to configure your system to the type of IDE disk controller in
use. By defa ult, Setup a ssumes tha t your controller is a n ISA (Industry Sta ndard
Architecture) device ra ther tha n a PCI controller. The more a ppa rent difference
is the type of slot being used.
If you ha ve equipped your system with a PCI controller, cha nging this a llows you
to specify which slot ha s the controller a nd which PCI interrupt (A, B,C or D) is
a ssocia ted with the connected ha rd drives.
Remember tha t this setting refers to the ha rd disk drive itself, ra ther tha n
individua l pa rtitions. Since ea ch IDE controller supports two sepa ra te ha rd
drives, you ca n select the INT# for ea ch. Aga in, you will note tha t the prima ry
ha s a lower interrupt tha n the seconda ry a s described in
lot x Using INT#
a bove.
Selecting “
PCI Auto
” allows the system to automatically determine how your
IDE disk system is configured.
assigned to
PCI IRQ Activated