55 Remote diagnostics
The remote diagnostics function helps you in case of a possible problem with your Programat furnace and facilitates the
communication between users and the Ivoclar Vivadent After Sales Service.
If the diagnostics function is executed, the furnace generates a diagnostic file which is automatically saved on the USB
stick. The file can be sent by e-mail or analyzed by means of PrograBase on a laptop / PC.
The diagnostic file provides furnace information (e.g. installed software version, set modes, etc.), operating data (e.g.
operating hours, firing hours, etc.), calibration data (e.g. calibration values, date of the last calibration, etc.), test results and
saved error messages.
Generating a diagnostic file:
1. Open the diagnosis function.
Press the
[Remote Diagnostics]
button in the Diagnosis menu.
2. Generate a diagnostic file.
Connect a USB stick with the furnace. Then, press the
3. Once the diagnostic file has been generated, the following
message is displayed:
Diagnostics successful
Diagnostics failed
4. Forward or analyze the diagnostic file.
Connect a USB stick with a laptop / PC. The file can only be analyzed
by means of the PrograBase software or sent to any e-mail address.
If the furnace is connected with a laptop / PC via Ethernet, the file can also be directly opened, forwarded or analyzed by
the PrograBase software.
5. Operation and Configuration