Testing push notifications
Here, push notifications for communicating with the Programat app can be tested. The Programat app
must be linked to the furnace to test push notifications. If the network has been set up correctly, a push
notification will appear on the Programat app. If no notification appears on the app, please check the
network settings.
Acoustic signal at the beginning of the press process
Switch the acoustic signal on or off at the beginning of the press process.
Setting options: On / Off
User code
The user code can be individually changed.
It is recommended to make a note of the changed user code and to keep it separately. If
forgotten, the user code may only be reset with the help of the After Sales Service.
Setting options: 1000 to 9999
Operating mode
Set the desired operating mode. See Chapter 5.3.8 Operating mode for details
Setting options: Normal / Protected / Production
If this function is activated, the program data are saved in a protocol entry after every firing procedure.
The following protocol settings are available:
: Protocolling is not active.
: At the end of the program, the parameters used are logged and saved in the furnace. Additionally,
the protocols are printed on a connected USB printer.
: At the end of the program, the parameters used are logged and saved in the furnace. If the furnace is
connected to the PrograBase software, the saved table entries are synchronized with the connected laptop /
PC. Protocols can be edited, saved and printed with the PrograBase software.
Setting options: Inactive / Printer / PC
Laboratory name
Enter the name of the laboratory. The name is automatically added to the protocols.
Setting options: Laboratory name entry
Furnace number
Enter the furnace number. The number will be prominently shown in the display when the operating mode
"Production" is activated.
Setting options: 1 to 99
Calibration interval
Set the notification as to when the next calibration should be conducted.
Setting options: 1 / 3 / 6 / 12 months
Reset heating muffle firing hours to zero
If this function is executed, the heating muffle firing hours are set to "zero". This function can only be
executed by entering the user code.
Reset vacuum pump hours to zero
If this function is executed, the vacuum pump hours are set to "zero". This function can only be executed
by entering the user code.
Reset to factory settings
If this function is executed, all programs and settings are reset to the status before the initial start-up. This
function can only be executed by entering the user code.
Prepare USB stick programs
If this function is executed, a USB stick is prepared as program memory.
Unit of length
Chose between millimetres and inch.
Setting options: mm / inch
5. Operation and Configuration