background image



(EN) Science is all around us, and learning and fostering the 

investigative spirit encourages observational and analytical skills and 

independent reasoning.


A.600x Dual Slide Microscope

B.Soft Case  (1)

C.Collecting Vials (4)

D.Blank Slides (6)

E.Prepared Slides (2)

F.Stirring Rod (1)

G.Needle (1)

H.Tweezers (1)

I.Scalpel (1)

J.Micro Slicer (1)

K.Blank Slide Labels (12)

L.Slide Covers (12)

M.Collecting Container (1)

N.Petri Dish (1)

O.3x-6x Magnifier (1)

P.Graduated Cylinders (2)


1.1. Eyepiece

1.2. Focusing Knob

1.3. Body Tube

1.4. Revolving Lens Turret

1.5. Objective Lens

1.6. Battery Compartment (not shown)

1.7. Stage

1.8. Clip

1.9. Stage Lamp

1.10. Light Filter Selection Ring


The distinct feature of the Microscope is the rotating dual-slide stage 

that allows you to easily compare two specimens.

2.1. First, unscrew the battery door at the back of the stand; install 2 x 

AA batteries matching the polarities indicated and then close the 

battery door.

2.2. Check the LED light by switching the light switch to Power ON: 

when the light can be seen through the eyepiece, the microscope 

is ready for observation.

2.3. Put the prepared slides in parallel next to each other on the stage 

and _x it in place with the clips.

2.4. Now, decide what magnification to use. The greater the length of 

the objective lens the greater the magnification. Observation is 

generally made starting at a low setting.

2.5. In order to change the magnification; turn the revolving turret until 

you feel a click.

2.6. Using the focusing knob, lower the lens as close as possible to the 

prepared slide without actually making contact. Then, while 

looking through the eyepiece, turn the knob in the opposite 

direction until the image comes into focus.

2.7. You may tilt the microscope body to enable better observation.

2.8. The light source lamp requires 2 “AAA” batteries (not included).


If the given sample is not thin and transparent, it cannot be observed 

by the microscope as the light from the reflector or the light source 

does not pass through it. Fibers, pollen, wool, or salt can be observed 

easily and a cover glass is optional.

Clear samples are stained first with a drop or two drops of methylene 

blue, Eosin or other dyeing solutions (not included) available on the 

market. (Note: These are dyeing solutions and therefore could cause 

staining of clothing, carpets, and fabrics.

Special care should be taken when handling these solutions).

3.1. Temporary mount: Wipe the slide and cover glass clean. Slice a 

thick sample with the micro-slicer (Note: This process should be 

under an adult’s supervision. The blade is very sharp and has to 

be handled with extreme caution). Pick up the sample with 

tweezers and put it on the centre part of the glass slide.


Put one drop of water on the sample with the needle that comes 

with your kit.

3.2. Permanent mount: Proceed as above, however, before covering 

the slide with the cover glass, add a few drops of gum media (not 

included in the set, but available from store) or Canada balsam 

solution or transparent adhesive glue with a dissecting needle to 

the slide. Push down on the cover glass with tweezers to _x it in 

place and leave to dry for a day.


4.1. The vital part of the microscope is the lens. Therefore, sufficient 

care must be taken in handling the lens. If the lens gets dirty or 

dusty; wipe the lens surface with a clean lens tissue or soft cotton 

cloth. Do not rub the lens with a finger or dirty cloth, etc.

4.2. After the microscope set is used, it should be placed back into the 

storage case to prevent dust from infiltrating.

4.3. Microscope should be stored in a moisture free location. Moisture 

buildup on the light will cause a reduction in light intensity.

4.4. When a microscope is not used for a long period of time, remove 

the batteries.


General First Aid information

- In case of eye contact – Wash the eye with plenty of water, holding 

the eye open if necessary. Seek immediate medical attention.

- If swallowed – Wash the mouth with water, drink some fresh water. 

Do not induce vomiting. Seek immediate medical attention.

- In case of inhalation – Move person to fresh air. Seek medical 


- In case of skin contact and burns – Wash affected area with plenty of 

water for 5 minutes. Seek medical attention.

- In case of a cut – Wash the cut with antiseptic solution (if not 

available, use clean water). Then put on a bandage.

- In case of any serious injury, you should get first aid treatment and 

inform a doctor as soon as possible.

- In case of doubt seek medical advice without delay. Take the material 

and the container with you. In case of injury, always seek medical 



- Do read these instructions before use, follow them and keep them for 


- Do keep young children and animals, and those who are not wearing 

eye protection away from the experiment area.

- Do always wear eye protection.

- Do store microscope sets out of reach of your children.

- Do clean all equipment after use.

- Do wash hands after working with chemicals or other contents within 

this product.

- Do not use any equipment which has not been supplied with the set.

- Do not eat, drink or smoke in the experiment area.

- Do not allow chemicals to come into contact with the eyes and 


- Do not put foodstuffs in used containers. Dispose of used containers 



- Read and follow the instructions, safety rules and first aid information. 

Keep for reference.

- The incorrect use of chemicals can cause injury and damage to 

health. Only use chemicals and tools which are listed in the 


- This microscope set is for use only by children over 8 years old.

- Because children’s abilities vary, even within age groups, supervising 

adults should exercise discretion as to which activities are suitable for 

a particular child.

- The supervising adult should discuss the warnings and safety 

information with the child or children before using the product. 

Particular attention should be paid to the safe handling of chemicals if 


- The area surrounding the preparations of slides should be kept clear 

of any obstructions and from the storage of food. It should be well lit, 

ventilated and close to a water supply. A solid table with a heat 

resistant top should be used. 

- A separate tin or bucket should be used for the disposal of solid 

waste materials. Any wasted solution should be poured down a waste 

drain but never into a sink.



This set contains chemical that may be harmful if misused. Read 

cautions on individual containers carefully. No to be used by children 

except under adult supervision.

Poison Centre:
Fire Department:

Summary of Contents for LAB-MICROSCOPE 600X

Page 1: ...lab microscope 600x P C M N O E K L J F H G I D A B ...

Page 2: ...p1 1 2 3 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 6 1 10 1 7 1 8 1 9 1 5 1 4 2 1 2 6 2 4 2 5 2 7 ...

Page 3: ...r que coja polvo 4 3 Guardarlo en un lugar seco La formación de humedad sobre la luz reduce la intensidad luminosa 4 4 Si no se va a utilizar durante un periodo largo de tiempo extraer las pilas 5 INFORMACIÓN DE SEGURIDAD Información general de primeros auxilios Si se produce contacto con los ojos lavar con abundante agua manteniendo el ojo abierto si es necesario Buscar asistencia médica inmediat...

Page 4: of the microscope is the lens Therefore sufficient care must be taken in handling the lens If the lens gets dirty or dusty wipe the lens surface with a clean lens tissue or soft cotton cloth Do not rub the lens with a finger or dirty cloth etc 4 2 After the microscope set is used it should be placed back into the storage case to prevent dust from infiltrating 4 3 Microscope should be stored in...

Page 5: ...fin d éviter qu il ne prenne la poussière 4 3 Ranger dans un endroit sec L humidité pourrait réduire l intensité de la lumière 4 4 Retirer les piles en cas de non utilisation prolongée 5 CONSEILS DE SÉCURITÉ Premiers secours En cas de contact d une substance avec les yeux laver abondam ment à l eau en maintenant l œil ouvert si nécessaire Consulter immédiatement un médecin En cas d ingestion se la...

Page 6: ...en 4 2 Nach Verwendung des Mikroskops muss dieses in seinem Koffer aufbewahrt werden damit es nicht verstaubt 4 3 An einem trockenen Ort aufbewahren Feuchtigkeitsansammlun gen auf der Lampe vermindern die Lichtintensität 4 4 Wenn das Mikroskop über einen längeren Zeitraum nicht benutzt wird die Batterien herausnehmen 5 SICHERHEITSHINWEISE Allgemeine Hinweise zur Ersten Hilfe Bei Augenkontakt diese...

Page 7: ...orlo nella valigetta per evitare che prenda polvere 4 3 Conservarlo in un luogo asciutto La formazione di umidità sulla luce riduce l intensità luminosa 4 4 Se non si usa per periodi lunghi di tempo estrarre le pile 5 INFORMAZIONI DI SICUREZZA Informazione generale di pronto soccorso Se i prodotti entrano in contatto con gli occhi lavare con abbondante acqua tenendo gli occhi aperti se necessario ...

Page 8: ...midade sobre a luz reduz a intensidade luminosa 4 4 Se não se utilizar o microscópio durante um período de tempo prlongado retirar as pilhas 5 INFORMAÇÃO DE SEGURANÇA Informação geral sobre primeiros auxílios Em caso de contacto com os olhos lavar com abundante água mantendo o olho aberto se necessário Procurar imediatamente assistência médica Em caso de ingestão lavar a boca com água e beber água...

Page 9: ... trebuie păstrat în trusa sa pentru a evita prăfuirea 4 3 Depozitaţi l într un loc uscat Formarea umezelii pe lumină reduce intensitatea luminoasă 4 4 Dacă nu se va utiliza pe o perioadă lungă de timp extrageţi bateriile 5 INFORMAŢII PRIVIND SIGURANŢA Informaţii generale de prim ajutor Dacă se produce contactul cu ochii spălaţi cu multă apă menţinând ochiul deschis dacă este necesar Solicitaţi asi...

Page 10: ...nde muhafaza edilmelidir 4 3 Mikroskobu kuru bir yerde muhafaza edin Lamba üzerinde nem oluşması ışık yoğunluğunu azaltır 4 4 Mikroskobu uzun bir süre kullanmayacaksanız kaldırmadan önce pillerini çıkarın 5 GÜVENLİK BİLGİLERİ Genel ilk yardım bilgileri Gözlerle temas etmesi halinde gerekirse gözlerinizi açık tutarak bol suyla yıkayın Derhal tıbbi yardım alın Yutulması halinde ağzınızı suyla yıkayı...

Page 11: ...τε το μικροσκόπιο φυλάξτε το στο βαλιτσάκι του για να μη σκονίζεται 4 3 Φυλάξτε το σε ξηρό μέρος Ο σχηματισμός υγρασίας επάνω στο φως μειώνει τη φωτεινή ένταση 4 4 Αν δεν πρόκειται να το χρησιμοποιήσετε για μεγάλο χρονικό διάστημα αφαιρέστε τις μπαταρίες 5 ΠΛΗΡΟΦΟΡΙΕΣ ΑΣΦΑΛΕΙΑΣ Γενικές πληροφορίες πρώτων βοηθειών Αν έρθει σε επαφή με τα μάτια ξεπλύνετε με άφθονο νερό κρατώντας το μάτι ανοιχτό αν χ...

Page 12: ...чкой 4 2 По завершении использования микроскоп следует положить в чемоданчик чтобы защитить его от пыли 4 3 Хранить в сухом месте Наличие влаги на источнике света сокращает интенсивность света 4 4 Если микроскоп не будет использоваться в течение длительного времени извлечь из него батарейки 5 ИНФОРМАЦИЯ ПО БЕЗОПАСНОСТИ Общая информация о первой помощи При попадании любого вещества в глаза промыть ...

Page 13: ...品上滴一滴水 3 2 永久组装 按照上述步骤 用盖玻片盖住载波片之前 用滴管在载 波片上加几滴透明的胶水 不包括 用镊子放置盖玻片并让其晾 干一整天 4 使用注意事项 4 1 显微镜的基本部件是镜头 因此 操作时应极为小心 如果镜头 脏了或覆有灰尘 用镜头专用毛巾或软棉布清洁表面 不要用手指 或脏布擦拭镜头 4 2 使用显微镜后 应收入包中存放以免粘灰 4 3 存放在干燥处 灯上形成水汽会降低光线强度 4 4 如果长时间不使用 请取出电池 5 安全信息 一般急救信息 如果接触到眼睛 用大量的清水冲洗 如有必要睁开眼睛 立即就医 如果吞食 用水漱口并饮水 不要催吐 立即就医 如果吸入 将人员移至空气新鲜区域 寻求医疗援助 如果发生灼伤或皮肤接触反应 用大量的水清洗受影响处 5 分钟 寻求医疗援助 如果发生切伤 用消毒液 或用干净的水 清洗伤处 然后绑上绷 带 如果发生重伤 应先进行急救治疗 ...

Page 14: ...p13 3 1 3 2 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 1 9 10 1 2 1 2 2 2 3 2 4 2 5 2 6 2 7 2 8 4 2 4 2 4 3 4 4 ...

Page 15: ...p14 ...

Page 16: ...olul clasificării selective pentru deşeuri de aparate electrice şi electronice RAEE Acest lucru înseamnă că trebuie să duceţi produsul la punctele de colectare locale sau să l returnaţi vânzătorului când achiziţionaţi un produs nou de acelaşi tip în conformitate cu Directiva Europeană 2002 96 CE pentru a l recicla sau elimina şi minimiza astfel impactul acestuia asupra mediului înconjurător Dacă d...

Page 17: ...ещата с пръст или с мръсна кърпа 4 2 След употреба приберете микроскопа в куфарчето за да не се праши 4 3 Да се съхранява на сухо място Появата на влага върху лампата намалява интензивността на светлината 4 4 Извадете батериите ако микроскопът няма да се използва продължително време 5 ИНФОРМАЦИЯ ЗА БЕЗОПАСНОСТ Обща информация за първа помощ При контакт с очите да се изплакнат обилно с вода като оч...

Page 18: ...op in zijn koffer na gebruik zodat er geen stof op komt 4 3 Bewaar op een droge plaats Vocht op de lamp vermindert de lichtintensiteit 4 4 Haal de batterijen uit de microscoop als u het apparaat gedurende langere tijd niet gebruikt 5 VEILIGHEIDSINFORMATIE Eerste hulp informatie Bij contact met de ogen overvloedig spoelen met water en indien nodig het oog open houden Onmiddellijk een arts raadplege...

Page 19: ...67282 Laboratorní mikroskop 600x zvětšení ...

Page 20: ...ké dovednosti a nezávislé myšlení SOUČÁSTI SADY A Mikroskop pro pozorování 2 sklíček zvětšení 600x B Měkké pouzdro 1 C Nádobky pro sběr vzorků 4 D Obdélníková podložní sklíčka 6 E Předpřipravené preparáty 2 F Míchátko 1 G Jehla 1 H Pinzeta 1 I Skalpel 1 J Mikro řezačka plátků na preparáty 1 ...

Page 21: ...jeďte objektivem co nejníže k preparátu aniž byste se jej dotkli Potom se dívejte do okuláru a zároveň otáčejte zaostřovací rukojetí opačným směrem dokud není obraz zaostřen 2 7 Pro lepší pozorování lze naklonit tělo mikroskopu 2 8 Do osvětlovací lampy jsou potřeba AAA baterie nejsou součástí balení 3 JAK PŘIPRAVIT PREPARÁT Pokud daný vzorek není tenký a průhledný nelze jej mikroskopem pozorovat p...

Page 22: ...myjte řeznou ránu antiseptickým roztokem Pokud jej nemáte použijte čistou vodu Poté použijte obvaz V případě jakéhokoli vážného zranění byste měli vyhledat první pomoc a informovat lékaře hned jak je to možné Nejste li si jisti okamžitě vyhledejte lékařskou pomoc Materiál i s nádobkou vezměte s sebou V případě zranění vždy vyhledejte lékařskou pomoc 6 BEZPEČNOSTNÍ PRAVIDLA Před použitím výrobku si...

Page 23: ... dobře osvětlené odvětrané a s přístupem ke zdroji vody Měl by se používat pevný stůl s deskou odolnou proti teplu Na pevný odpad by se měl používat zvláštní odpadkový koš či kontejner Případný přebytečný roztok by měl být vylit do výlevky ale nikdy ne do dřezu DŮLEŽITÁ TELEFONNÍ ČÍSLA Toxikologické centrum Nemocnice Hasiči Lékař VAROVÁNÍ Tato sada obsahuje chemikálie které mohou být při nesprávné...

Page 24: ...o parlamentu a rady 2002 96 ES a by byla jeho rozmontováním nebo recyklací minimalizována jeho zátěž pro životní prostředí Chcete li další informace obraťte se prosím na vaše místní či regionální úřady Elektronické výrobky které nejsou zařazeny do procesu třídění odpadů jsou potenciálním nebezpečím pro životní prostředí a lidské zdraví z důvodu přítomnosti nebezpečných látek Nezákonné nakládání s ...
