Console user manual
01 - 10 - 2004
C. HI - Drive alarms
Error codes 13xxx not included in the table below refer to internal software controls. If such an
error occurs, try resetting the alarm by jogging the loom in slow motion; if this fails, switch the loom
off and then back on again. If an error keeps on occurring, contact the Automation department.
No alarms
Timeout on drive start-up: Drive faulty or not connected
Drive fail: Drive faulty or in alarm mode. The drive is switched off when this alarm
occurs. Try switching the loom off and then back on again. Replace the drive if the
error persists.
Incorrect status of the min pressure switch before switching on the oil pump.
Position error: jog the loom in slow motion to reset the alarm. If the alarm persists,
the likely causes are:
- Drive faulty
- motor resolver cable faulty or not connected
- one or more loom/drive interface signals are disconnected or inverted
Tracking error: jog the loom in slow motion to reset the alarm. If the alarm persists,
see the list of likely causes for alarm 13317.
Error in board HDI power supply. Check the board's 24V power supply. Replace
the board if necessary.
Over speed. Depending on the status of the coupling, controls are carried on the
max acceptable speed of the motor. The speed limits are:
- coupling engaged:
from - 500 to 2700 rpm
- with coupling released:
from - 250 to 250 rpm
- during engaging/release:
from -100 to 100 rpm
If the speed of the motor goes beyond these limits, the drive switches itself off and
error 13320 is indicated. You need to switch the loom off and then back on again.
If the error occurs when the loom is stopped, it's likely that there is a problem with
the motor resolver cable.
No encoder coherence before start of tracking. Switch the loom off and then back
on again. If the encoders have not been adjusted: adjust the encoders. This alarm
can happen after adjustment of the encoders or after a software upgrade.
If the alarm persists, the likely causes are:
- main encoder faulty
- drive simulated encoder signals not correct (connections faulty or drive faulty)
No I/O signal coherence during check immediately after switching the drive on.
After switching the drive on, the signals coming from this are always checked. If
there is an anomaly, the drive switches itself off and error 13322 is indicated. Try
switching the loom off and then back on again. If the error persists, check that the
connections between the drive, the loom and the relays are correct; replace the
drive if necessary.
The drive is not disabled on engaging the brake. Reset the alarm by jogging the
loom in slow motion. Replace relay KD2 if this alarm frequently occurs.