WatchPAT™300 System
Operation Manual
The error message will be displayed for 1 minute and then the WatchPAT™ device
will shut off.
If this is a study with the tamper-proof bracelet and the wrong bracelet is connected
the "wrong bracelet" error message appears.
If this is study with the tamper-proof bracelet and the bracelet is not connected the
"connect bracelet" error message appears in order to remind the patient to connect
the bracelet.
The following are the possible error/warning messages:
xxx1 - battery low
xx2x – uPAT probe error
xx4x – File error
xx8x - uPAT probe error (bad led)
x1xx - uPAT probe error (bad photo)
x4xx – SBP/RESBP missing warning
xxx8 – Actigraph error
x2xx – RTC error
x8xx – Bracelet error
1xxx – file not init
The "x" stands for 0-F value (Hexadecimal code)
Error codes are additive, i.e. both uPAT probe and File errors will produce
error code xx6x.