WatchPAT™300 System
Operation Manual
Internal uPAT probe port is used for connecting the uPAT
probe. The port’s compartment can be accessed through a lid in
order to replace the cable.
A port for connecting the optional Snore & Body Position
The USB port is used for connecting to the PC to initialize the
device and download the recording.
Battery compartment, covered by a lid
Figure 4
– Service Ports and Peripherals
Device Function
The WatchPAT™ records the following channels:
Oxygen saturation
Actigraphy (movement)
Acoustic decibel detector for Snoring evaluation (optional)
Body Position (optional)
Chest movement signal (optional)
The overnight sleep study data is stored on an embedded flash memory in the WatchPAT™
device. After the study is recorded, the data is downloaded from the WatchPAT™ device
through the USB cable using the zzzPAT software. The zzzPAT software, utilizing
uPAT probe port
Port for optional Snore &
Body Position sensor
Bracelet port
Battery compartment
Back of WP300
USB port for communication