WatchPAT™300 System
Operation Manual
Figure 5
– Battery Compartment
Preparing the Snore and Body Position Sensor
Attach the small round double sided adhesive sticker to the Snore and Body Position sensor
on the back side (front side has an image), by peeling off the cover on one side of the
For more details see Appendix A: WatchPAT™ Integrated snoring + Body Positioning
Sensor Operating
Instructions (SBP/RESBP)
Preparing the Wrist Strap
The wrist strap requires no special preparation other than ensuring its cleanliness. You may
clean it if needed. See section 6.1 for detailed cleaning instructions.
Mounting the
on the Wrist Strap
To mount the WatchPAT™ device on the wrist strap:
Gently insert the WP300 on the wrist strap by inserting first the right side of the
device into the strap and then the other side until a click is heard indicating that
it is properly seated.
Replacing the uPAT Probe
The uPAT probe connector is very sensitive and therefore should
never be left exposed.
Keep the connector connected to the probe at
all times, especially during cleaning
. Replace the probe just before
performing the Device test.