Invacare® Formula™ CG Seating
Part No 1143155
Inspect/Adjust Periodically
Inspect all fasteners.
Ensure clothing guards are secure.
Ensure arms are secure but easy to release and adjustment levers engage properly.
Ensure adjustable height arms operate and lock securely.
Ensure upholstery does not have any rips or tears.
Ensure armrest pad sits flush against arm tube.
Inspect foam handgrips for damage. If damaged, have them replaced by a qualified technician.
Check center mount front riggings for loose fasteners. Replace/tighten if necessary.
Check that all labels are present and legible. Replace if necessary.
Make sure drive lock-out operates properly.
Make sure elevate systems drive with reduced speed when seat is in elevated position.
Make sure tilt mechanism and tilt tracks are clean.
Check that spreader bar mounting fasteners are tight.
Check back cane mounting fasteners and back mounting fasteners are tight.