- Set up the appropriate camera sources in each screen menu below by using the monitor or
remote control buttons to navigate as previous. Default settings are shown below.
(7) MIC (Microphone)
In this menu, the user can select the channel (camera) which is associated with the audio
recorded from the External Microphone connected to the rear panel of this monitor DVR.
- Select the desired channel (camera) among HD 1, HD 2, CAMERA 2, CAMERA 3, and CAMERA
Federal and most states and their jurisdictions have laws pertaining to listening to
and / or recording, either directly or indirectly, the conversations of others without their
consent. There are specific federal and state laws prohibiting surreptitious recording and
monitoring of audio conversations. These laws are taken very seriously by authorities and
failure to abide by them may result in severe consequences.
Please consider this carefully
before installing the External Microphone and always confirm that you are in full
compliance with any applicable laws where you operate.
Use of this INTEC product requires
installation in full compliance with all applicable laws.