— 72 —
Next is the
, fourth on the Page 73 list and calcu-
lated the same way.
is the next Start Marker in
position 33. The artist’s name has an
7 characters;
hence this is the value of the Length Marker. Our second tag
has the values 04, 33 and 07.
Note that both the Start Marker and the Length Marker have
values of one less than the total number of characters involved
in each case. This has been factored into the instructions by
starting the count of the Radio Text entry starting with zero, ra-
ther than one, to arrive at the Start Marker, and also by count-
ing characters following the Start Marker to obtain the Length
Marker. This is the manner described in the RT+ Standard, al-
though another way of looking at this would be to simply sub-
tract one from an actual count.
The six numerical values that we have calculated manually in
our example will have been embedded in the artist/title infor-
mation that is loaded into the automation system. In similar
fashion, other RT+ utilities that refer to on-air events will have
embedded pre-calculated values for dynamic operation. The
numerical value groups for our example are sent to the encoder
with the serial data command string: RTP=01,13,15,04,34,07.
Using the RT+
Software Utility
Open the 730 software and click:
and Defaults
. This will bring up the RT+ Con-
figuration and Default Messages window,
which is shown below.
Whatever has been entered manually in the
Radio Text software field will be transferred
to the top
line of the configuration
window. For this exercise, let’s use the same
song title and artist that we calculated ma-
nually in the previous example. This may be entered on the
main data entry screen in the Radio Text field, or typed into the
line as shown here.
To tag the song title, the pull-down menu under the first
: was used to select
, which filled-in
as the
type. The next step would be to highlight the title text,
, and then click the
Use Selected Text
button to bring
up Start Marker
and Length Marker
. These are all the
same numerical values for the tag that we calculated manually.