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Menu No.
Menu Item Description
Jog Wheel Editing Procedure
The 730 Encoder offers three IP (Internet Protocol)
networking ports for interconnection with a LAN
(Local Area Network) or the Internet. All three ports
are accessed via the one rear-panel RJ45 jack.
Two ports are common TCP (Transmission Control
Protocol) ports for 2-way communication with the
encoder. The other is a UDP (User Datagram Pro-
tocol) port, which also may be used for 2-way com-
munication, but it will support 1-way network con-
nections that are restricted to inbound (to the en-
coder) communication.
The two TCP ports may be protected by a pass-
word, which may be set on Menu 76 or by using the
Using the usual jog wheel procedure, Ports 1, 2 and 3
may be assigned any number between 1 and 65535.
A setting of 0 (zero) disables the port. Port settings
should be verified by the Network Administrator.
Factory defaults are 10001 and 10002 for the two
TCP ports and 10003 for the UDP port.
‘Dynamic DNS’ is a feature of the 730 that allows
continuous Internet connection with a unit working
behind a dynamic (changing) IP address. Most
residential (and some other) Internet connections
(e.g.: DSL) assign the user an IP address that
changes, from every several hours to every couple
of days. This would prevent continuous communi-
cation between the playout system and the encoder
when a dynamic-IP Internet connection is used to
link the two.
Fortunately there is a series of third-party Internet
DNS ‘forwarding’ sites. Registering with one of
these providers enables the site to ‘follow’ the en-
coder. The 730 alerts the site each time the IP
address changes, and the site then redirects incom-
ing data to the encoder’s new IP address.
Mode: is a status message associated with the Dy-
namic DNS function. Status symbols are tabulated
on Page 68.
On Menu 54, push and turn the scroll wheel to select
among these IP-address forwarding sites:
DynDNS:0 (feature is turned off)
DynDNS:1 (dyndns.org)
DynDNS:2 (no-ip.com)
DynDNS:3 (dnsomatic.com)
It will be necessary for the user to log onto one of
these sites with a computer and register:
A Dynamic DNS Hostname
A Dynamic DNS Username
A Dynamic DNS Password
This information is then entered into Menus 55, 56
and 57, respectively, either with the jog wheel or by
using the Windows
software or Terminal utility.
When using the jog wheel to set the DNS information,
you must enter a
at the end of each field.
While the 730 Encoder has an active Internet con-
nection and the Clock-Time function has been
enabled (Menu 62), the date and time are set auto-
matically. This will be verified on the lower line of
the display, which will either say: Date/Time is set
via INTERNET, or Date/Time is set via INTERNAL
Even a temporary connection to the Internet will set
the encoder’s internal clock. Once Menus 58 and
59 show that Date and Time have been ‘…set via
Internet,’ the Internet may then be disconnected if
desired, and the 730 will maintain the time and date
settings with reasonable accuracy using the encod-
er’s internal real-time clock.
Before setting the time and date, navigate to Menu 60
and make sure that the UTC offset is programmed
properly as described in the instructions for that
menu. Then return to these menus and push and
turn the jog wheel to set the date, and time in hours,
minutes and seconds to the correct local time. Push
again to accept the setting.
Time is entered and sent in the 24-hour clock format.
The jog wheel may be used to set the time manually
when an Internet connection is not available.
A proper time zone offset must be entered here to
ensure proper operation of the RDS Clock-Time
function. The offset from UTC (Universal Coordi-
nated Time, formerly Greenwich Mean Time) is
shown in this window, as well as the selected time
zone locale.
Press and turn the jog wheel to set the UTC offset.
Note that the offset is in one-half-hour increments, as
required in some parts of the world. The more famili-
ar locale for the local time zone is shown on the lower
Do not make any allowance for Daylight Saving Time
(Summer Time) here. This is done in Menu 61.