Note: All sensor cables for the LSU 4.9 are easily identified by a ‘4.9’ marking
molded on the sensor connector side.
Use the appropriate sensor cable for the sensor type as each
sensor has a different style connector. Spliced cable can not only affect
the wideband’s performance but in worst cases it can damage the
sensor and/or controller.
Selecting the wrong sensor type to the sensor being used will
not only give you erroneous readings and/or errors. It can also
permanently damage the sensor.
Logging data from your SCG-1 with LogWorks
Logworks is an invaluable tool to help setup your SCG-1. The SCG-1 has
four channels of sensor data built in for the tuning of not only your desired
boost levels, but also a safe operating air fuel ratio for your engine. These
channels are:
1. Wideband O2: Units in AFR or Lambda
2. RPM
3. Boost
4. Duty: Wategate Duty % of the SCG-1 solenoid
1. Connect the OUT port of the SCG-1 to the provided serial
programming cable. Connect the other end of the serial
programming cable to your computer. If your computer does not
have a serial port, you can purchase a USB to Serial adapter from
Innovate Motorsports (P/N 3733) or use any USB to serial adaptor
that includes drivers. Make sure that nothing is connected to the IN
port of the SCG-1. Power up the SCG-1.
2. Launch LogWorks. The LogWorks application can be launched from
from the Windows task
3. Once LogWorks launches go to
You will be prompted
to connect to the serial COM port. Select the COM port the device is
connected to and then click Connect.
4. You will now see live data streaming from the SCG-1.
5. To start recording go to File->New Realtime Log
or, in the Toolbar,
click on the