Instruction manual
Pag. 8 of 28
Date 2021-07-27
It is prohibited any operation before disconnecting the unit from the mains supply by moving the
power switch to "off".
Do not modify safety devices or adjustment without permission and instructions from the
Do not pull, detach or twist the electrical cables coming from the appliance, even if it is
disconnected from the mains power supply.
It is forbidden to open the access panels to the internal parts of the unit without having first
disconnected the unit from the mains by putting the system power switch to "OFF position".
Do not dispose, abandon or leave within the reach of children the packaging material because it
can be a potential source of danger.
It is forbidden to use refrigerant and water pipes for grounding the unit.
It is forbidden to disperse R-410A into atmosphere: R410A is a fluorinated greenhouse gas, referred to
in the Kyoto’s Protocol, with a Global Warming Potential (GWP) = 2088.
4.1.3 RE S P O NS I BI L I T Y
INNOVA S.r.l. disclaims any liability for damage to people, animals or property resulting from the installation,
use or maintenance improper of the product, or due to failure of compliance with standards and directives
mentioned in this manual.