Instruction manual
Pag. 12 of 28
Date 2021-07-27
It is required a filter between the water intake and electric-pump, in order to protect it from any foreign
matter. Failure to install filter void the warranty of the pump and the unit.
Self- contained installation
Connect the self-contained heat exchanger
unit in the following manner:
NOTE: to allow the maintenance or repair
operations it is essential that each hydraulic
connection is provided with the respective
shut off valve.
5.1.2 AI R D U C T S CO N N E CT I O N
IMPORTANT! Both outlet fittings can be ducted allowing the highest air flow rate, however in case of
restricted space for installation, only one outlet can be ducted while the other shall be closed.
For Air Compact 6M at least two outlets must be used.
The diameter of the ducts should not be less than the diameter of the outlet nozzles.
SELF CONTAINED AIR COMPACT 4M ducts diameter 125mm
SELF CONTAINED AIR COMPACT 6M ducts diameter 150mm