Instruction manual
Pag. 3 of 28
Date 2021-07-27
We would like first of all to thank you for deciding to grant your preference to our product.
By implementing the suggestions that are contained in this manual, thanks to the product that you have
purchased, you can enjoy high thermal comfort with a great energy saving.
Document is confidential by law and may not be copied or transferred to any third party without the
express permission of the manufacturer. The manufacturer reserves the right to make changes at any
time to their models, without prejudice to the essential features described in this manual.
This manual has been prepared with the aim to give you all the explanations to be able to properly install
the unit SELF-CONTAINED Air Compact and to better manage the device. Improper installation procedures
can result in unsatisfactory performance and / or premature failure of this air conditioning unit. We invite
you to read it carefully before operating the product. If there are any statements or procedures described
in this manual, that you do not understand, contact INNOVA for assistance:
Phone: +39 0465 670104
Keep the manual in a dry location to prevent deterioration, for at least 10 years for any future reference.
In the interest of product improvement, specifications and design of the Air Compact unit will be subject
to change without giving notice.
NOTE: This unit complies with European directives for EMC 2004/108 / CE.