Installation Manual
Ingecon® Sun Three-Phase Inverter
Pg. 6 de 40
Ref.: AAS2000IKI02
Rev.:_ Dec-2009
In order to provide a minimum level of safety, the operators must always comply
with the ‘5 golden rules’:
1. Disconnect the power supply
2. Make sure the system cannot be powered on unexpectedly
3. Test for absence of voltage
4. Earth and short-circuit the system
5. Protect yourself against any energised device in close proximity and mark
the working area with safety panels, if necessary.
Before these operations have been carried out, the system is to be considered as
energised and nobody should be allowed to work on it.
To test for absence of voltage it is compulsory to use measuring instruments of Class
III - 1,000 Volt.
Ingeteam Energy, S.A. cannot be held responsible for any damage arising from any
improper use of its products.