Installation Manual
Ingecon® Sun Three-Phase Inverter
Pg. 18 de 40
Ref.: AAS2000IKI02
Rev.:_ Dec-2009
3.11 Prior to start up
inverters are equipped with a series of MT breakers
that protect different parts of the unit. Before the installation can be started up, these
breakers need to be closed.
Prior to manipulating the MT breakers in any way, first check that there are no
electrical hazards in the unit interior.
The use of safety gloves and glasses homologued for electrical risk is compulsory to
ensure lack of voltage.
Make sure that Q1, Q2 and Q3 MT breakers are in ON position:
3.12 Hermetic seal
During installation, it is important to ensure that the unit’s IP rating is maintained.
For all connections through the PG cable glands, allow sufficient cable length inside the
equipment to ensure that there is no pull on the electric terminals inside.
Check that any unused ports are hermetically sealed.
Safety measures
The front door should be only opened after disconnecting the inverter from the grid and
PV array.
Likewise, it is essential to close the unit before connecting it to the PV array or grid.
If thre is no alarms, after the waiting time, the inverter will begin magnetizing the
transformer producing a soft buzzing. Then, it will connect the grid and search the MPPT.