Installation Manual
Ingecon® Sun Three-Phase Inverter
Pg. 17 de 40
Ref.: AAS2000IKI02
Rev.:_ Dec-2009
3.10 Connection to the PV array
The cables connecting the equipment to the PV array access the unit through the PG
cable glands located on the cabinet sides or base.
Prior to any manipulation, always check to ensure there is no electrical hazard at
the PV array voltage input.
Never forget that any incident light on the panels generates voltage at the panel
Therefore the inverter interior may hold voltages of up to 900 volts even when
not connected to the Grid.
The use of safety gloves and glasses homologued for electrical risk is compulsory to
ensure lack of voltage.
Connect the positive pole of the string of panels to the terminals , and
the negative pole to the terminals marked -.
If the distance between the inverter and the PV array connection point requires the use
of a greater cable section, then the use of an external distribution box, located close to
the inverter, is compulsory in order to change from one section to another.
The connection of these models to the PV array is made through 2 terminals with
a maximum section of 50 mm2 .
This type of connection ensures that the installer makes a safe disconnection between
the inverter and PV array.
If the installer decides to take the option of including quick connectors, there will
be 14 pairs of terminals
for push-in cables located on the base of the enclosure of
the equipment. When the option is ordered, it has to be especify what type, type 3 or
type 4 quick connectors are required.
If the installer decides to take the PV array directly to this terminal strip (without
using quick connectors) it is highly recommended to install a prior breaker element.