(4) Perform maintenance without fail.
Inspections to be carried out by the user and by the maker are divided and set down in the “List of
Periodic Inspections” and should be checked carefully.
(5) Maintenance period and Quality guarantee period for exhaust emission related parts
The maintenance of the parts related to the exhaust emission must be carried out in the maintenance
period as shown in the below table.
A guarantee period is that either the operation hours or years shown in the table come first in the condition
that the maintenance inspection was carried out based on the “List of Periodic Inspections”.
Maintenance period
Quality Guarantee Period
Power Rating
Fuel nozzle cleaning
Adjustment, cleaning,
repairs for fuel nozzle, fuel
pump, turbocharger,
electronic control unit etc.
For nozzle, fuel pump,
37 <= kW < 130
Every 1500 hours
(applied from Tier 2)
Every 3000 hours
(applied from Tier 2)
3000 hours / 5 years
19 <= kW < 37
except constant
speed engines >=
Every 1500 hours
Every 3000 hours
3000 hours / 5 years
KW < 19
And constant speed
engines beyond
Every 1500 hours
Every 3000 hours
3000 hours / 2 years