Nets One PA user guide | 31
Offline approved transactions
In countries other than Norway there is the possibility of accepting payments on international cards in offline
mode if you have the right agreement with your acquirer. The typical cards for allowing this are called EMV
cards (Visa, Mastercard, Amex etc.)
The terminal will automatically approve a transaction offline when the acquirer agreement supports this func-
tionality. The amount limit for how much it will approve offline is decided by the acquirer and the terminal can-
not override this amount. I.e. if the acquirer has allowed for offline approval of EMV cards for up to 100€, it will
reject any amount above this if the terminal is not able to go online for authorisation.
When an offline transaction is approved, the terminal will print a receipt with a cryptogram on it for the mer-
chant to store in case the terminal does not recover and automatically sends the transactions when it is online