EonNAS 1000 Series Hardware Manual
Restore Default Settings
Under the following circumstances, you may need to restore system default settings:
You forgot your password and you are unable to access the EonNAS server.
Restoring the system to its default settings should be your last option. The restore
default function will disable Jumbo Frame, reset port trunking settings and reset the
“Admin” user account back to default (account: admin / password: admin).
The restored “settings” will search the network in DHCP mode for about 3 minutes
and if unsuccessful in acquiring an IP address, it will revert to the default IP address
of for Ethernet port 1 and for Ethernet port 2.
To restore default settings:
1. Stop all host I/Os.
2. Use the tip of a pen, press and hold the restore default button for 3 ~ 5 seconds
then release to restore to system default settings (a beep will sound to indicate that
default settings have been restored).
3. Settings mentioned above will be reset to manufacturer’s default.