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Infinite Peripherals, Inc.
Page 7
PP-55 Resident Command Set Version 1.01
Command List
34 ESC
n Transmits the printer’s serial number 1BH 6EH
35 ESC
q Request bar code reader parameters 1BH 71H
36 ESC
r Reading a bar code 1BH 72H
37 ESC
s Setting bar code reader parameters 1BH 73H
38 ESC
v Transmitting the printer status 1BH 76H n
39 ESC
{ Specifying/cancelling the inverted characters 1BH 7BH n
40 ESC
$ Specifying the absolute positions 1BH 24H n1 n2
41 ESC
\ Specifying the relative positions 1BH 5CH n1 n2
42 ESC
& Define user characters 1BH 26H m n1 n2
43 ESC
% Selecting user character set 1BH 25H n
44 ESC
^ Save current settings to nonvolatile RAM 1BH 5EH
45 ESC
_ Restore factory settings 1BH 5FH
46 GS
) Set/read internal variable 1DH 29H
47 GS
a Enabling/disabling automatic status back (ASB) 1DH 61H n
48 GS
c Setting the real time clock 1DH 63H
49 GS
C Reading the real time clock 1DH 43H
50 GS
k Printing the bar code 1DH 6BH n [d]
51 GS
w Selecting the horizontal size (scale factor) of bar code 1DH
77H n
52 GS
h Selecting the height of the bar code 1DH 68H n
53 GS
H Selecting of print position of HRI code 1DH 48H n
54 GS
f Selecting the font of HRI code 1DH 66H n
55 GS
p Setting bar code PDF-417 parameters 1DH 70H
56 GS
* Defining the downloaded bit image 1DH2An1n2[d]n1xn2
57 GS
/ Printing the downloaded bit image 1DH 2FH m
58 GS
: Starting/ending macro definition 1DH 3AH
59 GS
^ Executing the macro 1DH 5EH n1 n2 n3
60 GS
L Setting the left margin 1DH 4CH n1 n2