The MyRide has the ability to decode analog and digital television signals.
Some television signals will not be appropriate, such as encrypted chan-
nels (which would require a cable or satellite decoder), but most cable
boxes and all over-air and in-club television signals will work.
1: Physically connect the television to the MyRide
Using an F-connector coaxial cable (not included), connect the MyRide to
your television source.
2: Enable television in the administration menu
Navigate to the administration menu by touching the icon in the lower-
right of the screen, then touching the ‘MyRide v3.0’ text in the upper-left
corner of the screen. On the ‘General’ tab, touch the checkbox for TV.
(Unchecking this box later will disable TV on the home screen.)
3: Choose your television standard
The MyRide can decode many different types of television signals. It is
important you know what kind of television signal you are providing to the
MyRide. If you are unsure of your television signal, contact your television
service provider.
Version 1.0 Copyright by Indoorcycling Group GmbH 2009
ENG 23
MyRide V3.0