Installation and Operation Manual
Installation, Operation, and Specifications
© 2015 Imagine Communications Corp.
Proprietary and Confidential.
Version 2.8 | Page 47
AFD (Active Format Description)
Active Format Description (AFD) transmits data in the VANC portion of the SDI signal, enabling both 4:3
and 16:9 television monitors to optimally present video with preset ARC and safe area information.
Without AFD, converted video may appear distorted or “cut off” when it appears on different monitors.
The FS1 and XD1 can encode or decode AFD; it can also encode or decode earlier Video Index (VI) and
Wide Screen Signaling (WSS) formats.
AFD/ARC Alignment
When you use AFD to select your aspect ratio, the module ensures that the AFD codes and associated
image will remain in sync. For example, during a hotswitch, the new ARC will only be applied to the new
image. There are a few cases which could cause AFD/ARC misalignment:
The ARC applied is reducing the image vertically such that the new image is less than 60% of the
original image.
The output standard is set to either 1080p/23.98 or 1080p/29.97.
AFD/Non-AFD Comparisons
The figure below shows two comparisons of a signal that is encoded with AFD and without AFD.
Figure 29:
AFD/Non-AFD Comparisons