Installation and Operation Manual
Installation, Operation, and Specifications
© 2015 Imagine Communications Corp.
Proprietary and Confidential.
Version 2.8 | Page 41
Cmpst Clip Luma Max (636.8 mV to 763.1 mV, default is 700.0 mV)
Cmpst Clip Cb Min (-380.0 mV to -320.0 mV, default is -380.0 mV)
Cmpst Clip Cb Max (320.0 mV to 380.0 mV, default is 380.0 mV)
Cmpst Clip Cr Min (-380.0 mV to -320.0 mV, default is -380.0 mV)
Cmpst Clip Cr Max (320.0 mV to 380.0 mV, default is 380.0 mV)
GBR levels are enabled, and then limited using maximum and minimum settings.
Color Correction
The color corrector changes the following RGB attributes of an input signal:
White Slope
Black Stretch
Gamma Correction
These parameters include "lock" options that make it possible for you to adjust all of the options of a
particular group in tandem, rather than separately.
White Slope and Black Stretch
The white slope is comprised of
G White Knee
B White Knee
R White Knee
, and
GBR White Knee Lock
Black Stretch
G Black Knee, B Black Knee, R Black Knee
, and
GBR Black Knee Lock
Component knees determine the amount of additional gain applied to segments at the ends of the RGB
transfer functions in the look-up tables. The values displayed are a percent of the available correction. A
positive white knee increases the slope of the last 15% of RGB values, and decreases the slope of the
preceding 15%. A positive black knee parameter will increase the slope of the first 15% of the transfer
function by the amount entered and decrease the slope of the next 15%, to return to the unmodified
transfer function. Each component knee is added to the total knee (the sum cannot exceed 100%) to
produce the correction applied to the respective component.