Infocaster Manager™ NM3200
Hardware Manual
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6/9/2014 | Page 28
GPI Triggers
NM3200 supports serial port and USB GPI triggers for controlling output. GPI triggers provide the ability
to have external signals (such as a contact closure, button press, TTL logic transition, etc.) trigger
pre-configured actions in Infocaster.
Serial Port GPI Trigger
The following figure shows the pin closures for 25-pin and 9-pin serial port connectors. Completing the
circuit between the pins shown will generate the trigger. Reverse movement is not supported.
Figure 16:
Serial Port Connectors
Serial port GPI triggers need to be added to the GPI list in the Configuration Utility before they can be
used in your application. See "External Triggers Tab" in the Infocaster User Guide for more information.
USB GPI Trigger
The system supports GPI and GPO triggers through the use of the USB U2IO device. The U2IO device
supports 14 GPI connections and 10 GPO connections.
The following figure shows the GPI pin connectors for the U210 device.
Figure 17:
USB GPI Connector Pinout
The GPI inputs are TTL. The GPIO device expects TTL transition from High to Low to initiate a GPI trigger.
The GPI triggers can be initiated by using passive switch, or relay with normally open contacts.