4. Setup Wizard
Setup wizard will guide you simply and quickly through set-up. It will be launched automatically the first
time the headend is configured. To access to wizard subsequently, you can do it from the Advanced
adjustment menu of the headend, selecting Wizard option.
Wizard will open indicating step by step the actions that must be done.
4.1 Step 1: Remote access configuration
The first step consists on configuring the remote access.
A window with information about the modules of the headend will open. By default, external access option
is disabled. To enable it, go to drop down Enable external access list and select ON.
Select DHCP ON when the network settings are provided automatically by a DHCP server. In other case,
select OFF and enter the network parameters manually (IP address, Netmask, Default gateway, Primary
DNS Server, Secondary DNS Server). Consult network manager to get those parameters.