5. Manual configuration
HTL headend allows a quick and agile configuration through the Installation Wizard. However, there are
situation where this configuration must be customized. In those cases, advanced interface available
options must be used. In that interface, we will also find additional information about the status of the
This section explains the possibilities offered by the advanced interface.
NOTE: advanced interface will be displayed each time you access to the headend, except for the first
connection, where the Install Wizard will be launched.
5.1. Headend
5.1.1 Main Parameters
IDENTIFIER: Used to enter a designation to identify the headend.
LOCATION: Used to enter the name of the city where the unit is
INSTALLATION DATE: Used to enter the installation date of the
headend unit.
Save: Click on the button to keep the changes.
USER: Enter the username. By default it is “admin”
OLD PASSWORD: Enter the current homepage password.
NEW PASSWORD: Enter the new password.
CONFIRM NEW PASSWORD: Re-enter the new password.
Save: Click on the button to keep the changes.
Internet Access
INTERNET ACCESS: Internet access not only allows the headend
to access the Internet (e.g. to show its location), but also allows
an engineer to access and configure the headend from the
outside. Click on the box to activate Internet access.
MAC ADDRESS: Shows the number which identifies the unit for
the network connection.