6-2-2.Delete Privacy Zone
Click the box(zone) which is needed to delete, then green-colored box is changed red-colored.
Click Delete button, and red-colored-box is changed gray-colored box. Click Apply button, then
it is deleted.
6-2-2.Delete Privacy Zone
It can be defined 8 privacy zones maximum. If it is tried to set over 8 zones, above message is pop
up on screen.
6-3.Camera & Motion
It can setup the stream video format, data on the video
data,Encoding speed, audio control (only IPD-DM11,IPD-VR11),
Video quality, motion detection and etc.
2 formats of Streaming video as below.
H.264 against M-JPEG:It provides much higher compression, but it is having dropped frames in
video data under not very good network condition. It can be set P-frame number independently
from I frames,
M-JPEG against H.264:It is required higher compression network bandwidth, but the higher
quality still image can be provided.
The most parameters of Secondary Stream are dependent on Primary Stream parameter value.