Inclination sensor JN
Perpendicular angle
without teach
Teach mode
Perpendicular angle
without teach
Teach mode
angle value
angle value
angle value
Lateral angle
angle value
Lateral angle
angle value
Lateral angle
9.6 Quadrant correction (SDO index 2040h)
Quadrant correction means for JN2101 only an extension of the lateral Euler
angle to the measuring ranges
180° (corresponds to 2040h = 1) or 0...360°
(corresponds to 2040h = 2).
9.7 Heating (SDO index 2041h)
To ensure good temperature stability over the whole temperature range, the
measuring cell is regulated to a constant temperature using a PID controller. The
regulation of the heating is set by the factory and can be deactivated by writing the
value 0 to the parameter of the heating (SDO index 2041h).
This has the following effects:
> Reduction of temperature stability
> Current consumption decreases when operating
> Accuracies deviate from the indications in the data sheet
9.8 MEMS self-test (SDO index 4004h)
To check the function of the measurement axes a self-test of the measuring cell
can be carried out. The MEMS self-test (SDO index 4004/01h) has to be activated
by writing the value 1. The self-test takes about 2 s; when the self-test has ended,
the flag (SDO index 4004/01h) is reset to 0.
The test result is coded in a byte and can be read from the self-test register (SDO
index 4004/02h).
00000110: The 2 indicated least significant bits code the internal X, Y
measurement axes
bit 1 = 0: axis faulty / bit 1: axis functional
9.9 Temperature of the measuring cell (SDO index 4080h)
The temperature of the measuring cell is determined every 200 ms and updated in
the object directory. It can be read via SDO access to the object directory (in every
device state) and via TPDO. The signed 32-bit value (two's complement) indicates
the temperature in °C.