2 Operational Check
Screen and Menu
4 Appendix
1 Overview
Menu item descriptions
Firmware version up
This screen is the WB1F firmware update screen.
The WB1F can be made to support new functions and to increase performance and product reliability by updating the
IDEC recommends that you use the WB1F with the latest firmware.
The firmware is available on the IDEC website (
). Please check there for the latest version.
(1) Firmware Current Version
Reacquires the versions related to the WB1F unit.
(2) Get Firmware Version
You can get the WB1F version.
(3) Select Update Firmware
Select the firmware that you want to update with.
(4) Start Update
Starts updating the firmware.
(5) Beginning from boot loader
Uncheck this box before use.
(6) Prohibitions
Describes the prohibitions when using this function.
*1 Start Update (4) is only available when the firmware that you want to update with is selected.
*2 Pay careful attention to the Prohibitions (6) before updating the firmware.