Chapter 2: Software
Manual Number: 00650-014-4
Page 2-3
The configuration file must contain 12 lines of information or data. The file is strictly text only
(ASCII). Each line of information is made up of a description field, an equal sign (=), and a setup
information field. Each line in the configuration file supplies data for a specific parameter and
must be in the correct order.
contains an example of a configuration file.
Base Address
= $300
Extension Card 0 = 1:F:Tt3UUUUUUUUSSSSS
Extension Card 1 = 2:UUUUUUUU
Extension Card 2 = 0:U
Extension Card 3 = 0:S
Extension Card 4 = 0:S
Extension Card 5 = 0:S
Extension Card 6 = 0:S
Extension Card 7 = 0:S
Voltage Range
= 5
Bipolar/Unipolar = B
IRQ Channel
= 3
Table 2-1: Configuration File Example
Base Address
Values may be entered as a decimal string, a hexadecimal string, or as a binary string. A decimal
string is any string of digits made up of the digits 0 through 9 as follows:
Decimal format ... DDDDD (e.g. 768)
Hexadecimal strings consist of a string of digits containing the digits 0 through 9 and the letters A
through F. Hexadecimal strings may be made up in one of two ways; Pascal or C as follows:
Pascal format .... $HHHH (e.g. $300)
C format ......... 0xHHHH (e.g. 0x300)
Binary strings are made up of 0s and 1s preceded by a # as follows:
Binary format ... #bbbbbbbbbb (e.g. #1100000000)
Mux Extensions
Multiplexer (mux) channel extension to the A/D board can be made up of an AT16-P description
string, an LVDT8-P description string, or a raw channel description string. The first character
following the = is a card code that defines which description string follows.
Card code 0:
Raw A/D channel; i.e., no external sub-multiplexer is attached. The 0: may
be followed by one of three characters; T, U, or S.
signifies that a reference junction on a sub-multiplexer card is directly
attached to the channel.