Chapter 5: AD12-8 Driver Reference
Manual Number: 00650-014-4
Page 5-21
Summary of Error Codes
1: Invalid task number: The task number does not fall within the range of 0 through 17. This error
code also occurs if any task is selected before a successful initialization with TASK 0.
2: Invalid base address: The base I/O address does not fall within the range of 100 hex through
3F8 hex.
3: A/D failed: The EOC (end-of-conversion) signal did not change state. This is usually because
the base address has not been set properly.
4: Point list is full: The point list can only hold 128 entries.
5: Invalid point address: The point address does not fall within the range of 0 through 127.
6: Invalid gain code: The gain code does not fall within the range of 0 through 8.
7: Invalid TASK 11 subtask: The subtask does not fall within the range of 0 through 5.
8: Invalid counter/timer number: The counter/timer number is not 0, 1 or 2.
9: Invalid mode: The counter/timer mode does not fall within the range of 0 through 5.
10: Interrupt process already set: The interrupt process can only be set up once. A subsequent
request has been made to set up the interrupt process without previously resetting the mode.
11: Invalid interrupt number: The interrupt number does not fall within the range of 2 through 7.
12: No interrupt process is set: A request has been made to reset an interrupt process that has not
previously been set.
13: Invalid SUBTASK number: SUBTASK specified is outside the valid range for a given task.
14: Invalid data buffer: Data buffer is not valid for interrupt driven data acquisition.
15: Invalid voltage range: Voltage range specified should be either 5 or 10 volts.
16: Invalid curve specified: The curve code letter specified is not a valid code.
17: Invalid A/D channel number.
18: Invalid temperature units: Temperature units not degrees F or C.
19: Unused.
20: Error opening configuration file.
21: Error reading configuration file.
22: Configuration file data are not correct.