Chapter 4: Programming the AD12-8
Manual Number: 00650-014-4
Page 4-7
Using the Driver with Turbo or Borland C
The following list shows you how to use the driver with Borland or Turbo C. You may refer to any
of the C example programs for further illustration.
A. Include the
header in your program. This simple header provides a function
prototype of the procedure call.
#include a12drvc.h
B. Declare the three variables for the driver globally, at the beginning of your program.
int task,params[5],status;
C. Make your assignment to these variables as desired for the function you wish to perform. See
for details on each task.
D. Make the call to the driver, passing the offset of each parameter.
E. Create a project file within the Turbo C environment, and add the name of your program with
the .C extension, and the name of the driver with a .OBJ extension.
F. Select LARGE memory model under the compiler section of the options menu.
G. Compile and link the program.
Using the Driver with Microsoft C
To use the driver with Microsoft C version 6.0, add the following code to your application code as
shown below:
push DS
mov AX,ES
mov DS,AX
/* call driver as normal */
pop DS