PISO-CPM100(U) / PCM-CPM100 user manual (ver. 2.02) Dec/03/2012 ----------------- 31
4.4. Communication Services Introduction
NMT Services
The CANopen Master Library provides several NMT services functions,
such as the functions CPM100_AddNode, CPM100_EDS_Load,
CPM100_RemoveNode, CPM100_NMTChangeState, CPM100_NMTGetState,
CPM100_NMTHeartbeat, and CPM100_NMTGuarding. As the prerequisite for
the master, the slave nodes have to be registered by the function
CPM100_AddNode or CPM100_EDS_Load with providing its Node-ID. The
registered slave nodes can be individually removed from the node list by the
function CPM100_RemoveNode. Through NMT services, the NMT Master
controls the state of the slaves. Table 4.3 is the command value and
corresponding NMT command for the input parameters of the
CPM100_NMTChangeState function. When using the function
CPM100_NMTGetState, the slave status value and their descriptions are
shown in the table 4.4. The Node Guarding and Heartbeat protocol are
implemented via the function CPM100_NMTGuarding and the function
CPM100_NMTHeartbeat. If the slave nodes are in the node list, users can
change the node guarding or heartbeat parameters defined in the slave nodes
by calling the function CPM100_NMTGuarding or CPM100_NMTHeartbeat.
Table 4.3
NMT Command Specifier
Table 4.4
State of the Slave