Owner’s Manual Compact Range
Page 7
FOR The saFeTY OF UseRs, YOU Can nOT seT TeMPeRaTURes BeLOW 5°C OR aBOve 45°C
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in an eMeRGenCY YOU Can sTOP aLL FUnCTiOns iMMeDiaTeLY BY TOUChinG The “aLL sTOP” BUTTOn
however, if the cabinet is hot, only the fan may continue to run until the cabinet has cooled.
FOR The saFeTY OF UseRs, YOU Can nOT seT TeMPeRaTURes BeLOW 5°C OR aBOve 45°C
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sOMe MODeLs have The aBiLiTY TO heaT as WeLL as COOL
if your iCool is a COnTRasT MODeL, then depending on the temperature you set, it will either heat or cool
the water automatically to reach your preset temperature and then maintain it at that temperature. it heats by
modern heat pump technology using as much as 70% less electricity than conventional electric spa heaters.
seTTinG UP TO Use The heaTinG MODe
For safety reasons you can only initiate the heating mode at the time the unit is first switched on. You can not
change to heating while you are using it in the cooling mode or vice versa. You must switch off at the main
switch and start again to change modes.
if you set the temperature to a value that is BeLOW the current water temperature in your pool it will automatically
begin COOLinG when you touch the sTaRT sYsTeM button.
if you set the temperature to a value that is aBOve the current water temperature in your pool it will automatically
begin heaTinG when you touch the sTaRT sYsTeM button.
To use the heating function use the up down arrows to select the hot temperature you require up to 42ºC (or
108ºF) and then touch the sTaRT button. This takes you back to the main operating screen where you can now
start the PUMP and the sYsTeM as usual. The status bar on top of the unit will turn ReD when you touch the
sTaRT button to indicate that your iCool is now heating. it will continue to heat until it reaches your pre set
temperature and then hold that temperature for as long as you wish.
YOU MUsT Use a POOL COveR When heaTinG The WaTeR.
We all understand heat rises, so you must use a cover on top of your pool when heating it or you will lose a
large amount of the heat energy into the room and it will take much longer to heat the water.
The LOss OF WaTeR FLOW WaRninG sCReen
TWO MinUTes The iCool will sound a warning and
shut down. This screen will appear.
The Water Flow Warning screen also provides an
option to over ride the flow protection system in the
rare situation of a false alarm.
neveR Use This OPTiOn UnLess YOU aRe
aBsOLUTeLY CeRTain ThaT The sYsTeM has
Once you use this function to disarm the flow safety
monitor nothing will stop the system even if
is not flowing and this can seriously damage the pump
as it will have no lubrication or
cooling from the water.
This over ride function is only to be used for short periods where it is essential to keep your system operating
until the reason for the false alarm can be determined and corrected.
WaTeR FLOW Can aLsO sTOP iF The heaT eXChanGeR TanK is FROZen sOLiD!
if you set the temperature below about 7ºC or 45ºF it is occasionally possible in certain climatic conditions for
the heat exchanger tank to freeze solid which will block the flow of water.
in order to cool the pool water to these extremely low temperatures the system must cool to at least 5 to 7ºC
below the set temperature and this takes it very close to the temperature that water freezes solid.
Following international safety standards your iCool will not accept water temperature settings below 5ºC or
40ºF as this would put athletes using the system unattended at risk of hypothermia. however, the iCool is easily
powerful enough to freeze the water and if this happens the safety screen above will appear and the system
will stop.