Owner’s Manual Compact Range
Page 5
sTeP 3
Connect the plug from the pump assembly
to the socket on the rear of the iCool. This
socket carries only 12 volts so it is quite
safe to handle at any time.
Be sure to align the groove in the plug to
the matching groove in the socket so that
the pins line up. never force it. Push in and
turn a half turn to the right to lock it.
an optional cover is available to fit the pump socket when not in use. This helps prevent corrosion damage.
COnneCT The Main POWeR CaBLe
provided with your iCool to a standard power outlet capable of providing
at least 12 amps in countries with a 220 v supply and 24 amps in countries with a 110 v supply. although
the system requires much less power than this in normal operation, all heat pump compressor motors need
considerably more power for a minute or so each time they starts up.
The Main POWeR sWiTCh is also part of the eLeCTRiCaL saFeTY CiRCUiT
that guards against the possibility of electric shock.
every electric component
in the iCool is protected by this device.
it is a good idea to test this system each
time you use the iCool by turning on the main switch and then pressing the test
button above the switch. if the safety system is working normally, pressing the
test button will cause the main power switch to shut down instantly.
after a
test, reset the main switch to On to begin normal operation.
sTeP 4
Your iCool has a full colour high-resolution touchscreen that
eliminates all switches and provides complete control over
your iCool system in a user-friendly and intuitive manner.
it also provides a substantial amount of additional information
to assist you.
When you turn on the power for the first time the system
will load the latest software from its memory card and run a
diagnostic self test routine. This will take about 20 seconds.
During this time you will see this screen (shown at right) and
then a BLaCK screen.
The sYsTeM sTaTUs BaRs WiLL FLash WhiTe
The sTaTUs BaRs on each side at the front of the iCool will change
colour or flash to give a clear indication of each function.
While the software is loading the status bars will flash white, the screen
shown above will be seen, then a black screen appears for about 15
seconds while the computers test the safety systems.
after the self test is completed, your personal logo screen or a WeLCOMe
screen will appear. Touching this screen anywhere will stop the bars
flashing and show a steady white light to indicate that the systems check
was successful and that your iCool is ready to use.
The status bars glow BLUe when only the pump is running,
when the cooling system is running and
when the heating system
is running.
if the bars glow ReD when you start cooling please refer to page 7 for an explanation.
The sOFTWaRe LOaDinG sCReen