background image

YOU Can aLsO DisPLaY The Main CLOCK, 

shOWinG The TiMe OF DaY in FULL-sCReen MODe 



TO GO BaCK TO The PReviOUs sCReen TOUCh The BaCK 1 

eXTeRnaL LiGhTinG

some iCool models have convenient area lighting 

which is very helpful if the area around your pool 

arrangement  is  not  well  lit.  The  lights  can  be 

activated  from  several  screens  by  touching  the 





This Takes you to a simple screen 

that has both On and OFF light icon buttons. When 

you touch the on button the area lights illuminate and a red dot 

beside the icon indicates that the lights are set on. 

if your iCool 

does not have area lights this function will turn the iCoolsport 

logo lights on and off.

sTeReO sOUnD sYsTeM

some iCool models have a very high quality stereo 

sound system built in to allow athletes to plug-in 

their iPods or MP3 players.
This feature has no effect if you’re particular iCool 

model does not have a sound system built-in.
To  activate  the  sound  system  touch  the 



button. This takes you to a simple sound control screen that 

turns the amplifiers and speakers on and off. Plug-in any music 

player to the mini phono jack provided. The volume is controlled 

by your music player not by iCool stereo system, so be sure the 

volume is turned down when you first plug in your player.

The heLP sYsTeM

Your  iCool  has  an  extensive  built-in  electronic 

help system.  Detailed and well illustrated helpful  

information on every important subject to do with 

the operation of your iCool, is available from almost 

any screen simply by touching the help button.
Touching  any  help  button  will  take  you  to  the 

screen  illustrated    on  the  right.  The  screen  has  eight  menu 

buttons covering all of the important topics you are ever likely 

to need assistance with.
When you touch the menu button covering the topic you need 

assistance  with,  the  screen  will  change  to  a  series  of  pages 

covering that subject. sample screens are illustrated below and 





Summary of Contents for iCool Compact Series

Page 1: ...Owner s Manual for Compact Range Compact Range Models Compact Cool Compact Twin Compact Dual Temp Compact XP...

Page 2: the main power socket TO ensURe saFe OPeRaTiOn The POWeR OUTLeT YOU Use MUsT have a PROPeR eaRTh COnneCTiOn BUiLT in saFeTY sYsTeMs Your iCool system has many safety features to protect against su...

Page 3: ...e FOR eaCh seT UP Once primed of air the system will remain primed and water will normally flow instantly each time you start the pump until the pool is emptied or the iCool is moved neveR OPeRaTe The...

Page 4: ...nt snap fittings that are very quick and easy to use Your 2014 model features an new type of pump that is very small and relaible it has on board intelligence it will surge automatically for a few sec...

Page 5: switch to shut down instantly after a sUCCessFUL test reset the main switch to On to begin normal operation sTeP 4 YOUR sYsTeM sOFTWaRe WiLL BeGin LOaDinG Your iCool has a full colour high resoluti...

Page 6: ...optimum flow of about 15 20 litres or around 3 5 gallons per minute This allows time for the heat exchanger to operate at maximum cooling efficiency Pool water is completely changed approximately eve...

Page 7: ...that your iCool is now heating it will continue to heat until it reaches your pre set temperature and then hold that temperature for as long as you wish YOU MUsT Use a POOL COveR When heaTinG The WaT...

Page 8: ...e TeMPeRaTURe WinDOW shows the current room or outside temperature it is not desirable to operate this system in temperatures above 42 C or 108 F if the reading exceeds this you need to move the syste...

Page 9: ...aRe aUTOMaTiCaLLY seLeCTeD so there is usually no need to use this feature The three settings you can change are the fan speed range the temperature from degrees Centigrade to Fahrenheit and the soun...

Page 10: ...Ge seTTinG BUTTOn and this will take you to the WaTeR TeMPeRaTURe seTTinG sCReen illustrated above right where you can use the up and down arrows to select the temperature you require after you make y...

Page 11: ...ctly The session timer is set up from the main TiMe seTTinG sCReen by touching the seT COUnTDOWn button The numbers on the setting screen in the bottom right hand corner will begin to flash and you ca...

Page 12: ...o effect if you re particular iCool model does not have a sound system built in To activate the sound system touch the sOUnD button This takes you to a simple sound control screen that turns the ampli...

Page 13: ...M TO PRevenT TaMPeRinG YOUR iCOOL has an eLeCTROniC LOCK as you can see iCool systems have attractive user interfaces this makes them easy and very intuitive to use but the downside is that untrained...

Page 14: ...n the screen automatically if this happens it must be remembered of course that if you disarm this system the pump is no longer protected from running dry without water lubrication so it is essential...

Page 15: ...9 5x9 5 24x19 5x9 5 24x19 5x9 5 24x19 5x9 5 For safety reasons you can only initiate the heating mode at the time the unit is first switched on You can not change to heating while you are using it in...

Page 16: ...the iCool Compact For all other iCools simply plug the filter pump to a normal wall power outlet in either case you will still need to touch the start Pump button before touching the start system butt...
