Instruction Manual C200
2.12 IMBus modules at a glance
The modules shown below provide an overview of IMBus measuring and interface modules that can be
connected to the
column gauge.
!!! For more information see IMBus series !!!
2.13 Power on / Self-test
Every time the column gauge is switched on, a self-test will automatically be performed in order to check
all system components. If an error is detected during the self-test, the numeric display will indicate an er-
ror message.
If the display remains dark, after the
column gauge was switched on, check both, the
LEDs on the bus terminator connector.
Both LEDs must be lit !!!
- LED is lit if the supplied voltage is within allowed tolerance values.
- LED is lit if the internal self-test for all modules has finished successfully.
See chapter 2.3.3 for more information
A display test routine runs subsequently, during which all display elements are switched on, one after the
other. This enables the user to check the function of the display elements. Once the column test has been
completed, information on the release of the software is shown on the six-digit numeric display.
Note :
The RS232 interface of the column gauge is not active while the self-test is running.