a. Using the control panel, enter the following sequence where n is
the location number of the disk drive:
4 2 9 n PICTURE 77
b. The control panel will display a disk drive configuration with the
slot number of the drive to be reset indicated by a solid block.
¦ 1 2 3 _ ¦ _ 7 _ ¦ Indicates the disk
+-----------------+ in slot 5 is to
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 be reset
Note: If an X is displayed in another position and you are not
repairing a double disk drive failure, the exchange command may
have been issued to the wrong disk drive. Verify that the slot
number at the disk drive being reset was not determined from the
direct select address reported by the system.
c. If the 3514 detects an error during the 4 2 9 n command, a return
code is displayed.
To determine if further action is required, go to "Control Panel
Command Return Code Information" in topic 3.4.
¦ 4 2 9 n x x ¦ Return Code x x
+-----------------+ on disk drive n.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Note: A return code of DE may indicate an address jumper or cable
is not installed correctly.
8. Complete the Exchange Disk Drive command by entering the following
sequence on the control panel:
a. 9 PICTURE 78
Note: This command can take up to 80 minutes to complete. Data
on this disk drive will be built again.
b. As the command processes, the display indicates the percent
c. When the operation ends without error, a quick status of the disk
drives is displayed.
¦ 1 2 3 _ 5 _ 7 _ ¦ Indicates the disk
+-----------------+ configuration
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
d. If the 3514 detects an error during the 4 2 9 n command, a return
code is displayed.
To determine if further action is required, go to "Control Panel
Command Return Code Information" in topic 3.4.
¦ 4 2 9 n x x ¦ Return Code x x
+-----------------+ on disk drive n.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Note: A return code of DE may indicate an address jumper or cable
is not installed correctly.
e. Press the * (Home) key to clear the display and return it to ready
status (*000).
Warning: Do not continue with step 9 until the exchange is
9. Install the front cover (see "Front Cover Removal or Installation
Procedure" in topic 4.3).
10. The data on the 3514 must be recovered using the latest backup data
available. See your system unit and operating system manuals for
Do not attempt to save data from the failing 3514.
End of procedure.
3514 Service Information
Problem Recovery Procedure 1c
¦ Copyright IBM Corp. 1992, 1993
3.5.1 - 2