Issue 1.8
Settings for Host systems
The following examples base on applications realized with the predecessor ibaLink-
SM128, i.e. they apply to ibaLink-VME with 3Mbit mode.
But when using ibaLink-VME it is possible to transfer larger data amounts, faster cycles
or coherent data blocks. For that the card must be set to 32Mbit P2P or 32Mbit Flex mode
and other functions should be used to transmit the values to the VME side.
Settings for ALSPA CP80/A800 (AEG Logidyn D)
ALSPA CP80/A800 is the compatible name for the former high performance control sys-
tem CP80 / A800 with Logidyn D from AEG. It is a VME based system for fast control
and regulation, developed by GE Energy Power Conversion GmbH, formerly known as
CONVERTEAM GmbH, ALSTOM Power Conversion, AEG-Cegelec or AEG.
In order to use the ibaLink-VME board in this system it is required to use a modified
version with a single connector to the 16 bit VME backplane. In the lower part of the
system's backplane in the rack there is the PMB bus.
Engineering notes for ibaLink with ALSPA CP80/A800 (Logidyn D)
On the next page you'll find an example with card settings for using the card in 24 bit
addressing mode and delivering integer values for analog signals.
Possible address settings might be as follows:
Addresses analog (integer) channel 1: .........0xE43802
Addresses analog (integer) channel 2: .........0xE43902
Addresses digital channel 1: .........................0xE42420
Addresses digital channel 2: .........................0xE42428
Address lifesign counter: …….………............0xE40080
The corresponding memory access may be managed in the LogiCAD-program by sub-
routines (UP). These subprograms are required to map the signals to be measured to
the memory addresses of the board.
A request solution for selecting data to be measured over ibaPDA is not available. The
signals have to be "wired" in the application program.
The usage of more than one card in a rack is permitted.