Session duration: 25 minutes.
Electrodes’ positioning: photo from 01 to 20 of the
Positions manual,
to the area to be treated.
Intensity: medium-low, increasing during the last 5/10 minutes.
NEMS14 • Agonist/Antagonist (non-medical program)
The electronic stimulator produces contractions alternated between 2
channels: during the first 4 minutes of warm-up the 2 channels work
simultaneously, during the central work phase (15 minutes) muscle
contractions are alternated between Channel 1 (agonist muscles) and Channel
2 (antagonist muscles). The program is designed to restore muscle tone to the
quadriceps and its antagonist the leg biceps, or the biceps brachii and the
triceps. The work aims at developing strength. With this program, muscle
relaxation is obtained by simultaneous stimulation from both channels during
the last 5 minutes. In the event of fatigue, suspend the training for a few days
and use the NEMS19 program (Muscle relaxant).
Session duration: 24 minutes.
Electrodes’ positioning: photo from 02 to 05 and 11-12 of the
Positions manual.
Intensity: during contraction has to be adjusted so that the contraction
intensity is the same as a voluntary one, in order to reduce the sense of
discomfort and reach higher intensities. Intensity must be increased gradually
treatment by treatment, without overstraining the muscles.
NEMS15 • Sequential tonic contractions upper limbs and trunks (non-medical
NEMS16 • Sequential tonic contractions lower limbs (non-medical program)
This program increases microcirculation within and around the muscle fibers
treated creating rhythmic contractions, fostering better drainage and toning. It
can also be applied to older people to improve blood and lymphatic circulation
in the lower limbs (e.g. applying CH1 to the right calf, CH2 to the right thigh).
These programs can be carried out using self-adhesive electrodes.
Session duration: 18 minutes.
Electrodes’ positioning: photo from 01 to 23 (21 excluded) of the
Intensity: enough to produce good muscle contractions during the treatment,
but not enough to cause any soreness. It mainly works on slow-twitch fibers.