Emergency situations
Tire pressure monitoring system
Over-inflation or under-inflation can re-
duce tire life, adversely affect vehicle
handling, and lead to sudden tire failure
that may cause loss of vehicle control re-
sulting in an accident.
Each tire, including the spare (if provid-
ed), should be checked monthly when
cold and inflated to the inflation pressure
recommended by the vehicle manufac-
turer on the vehicle placard or tire infla-
tion pressure label. (If your vehicle has
tires of a different size than the size indi-
cated on the vehicle placard or tire infla-
tion pressure label, you should determine
the proper tire inflation pressure for those
As an added safety feature, your vehicle
has been equipped with a tire pressure
monitoring system (TPMS) that illumi-
nates a low tire pressure telltale when one
or more of your tires is significantly un-
Accordingly, when the low tire pressure
telltale illuminates, you should stop and
check your tires as soon as possible, and
inflate them to the proper pressure. Driv-
ing on a significantly under-inflated tire
causes the tire to overheat and can lead
to tire failure. Under-inflation also reduc-
es fuel efficiency and tire tread life, and
may affect the vehicle’s handling and
stopping ability.
Please note that the TPMS is not a substi-
tute for proper tire maintenance, and it is
the driver’s responsibility to maintain cor-
rect tire pressure, even if under-inflation
has not reached the level to trigger illumi-
nation of the TPMS low tire pressure tell-
Your vehicle has also been equipped with
a TPMS malfunction indicator to indicate
when the system is not operating proper-
ly. The TPMS malfunction indicator is
combined with the low tire pressure tell-
tale. When the system detects a malfunc-
tion, the telltale will flash for approxi-
mately one minute and then remain
continuously illuminated. This sequence
will continue upon subsequent vehicle
start-ups as long as the malfunction ex-
ists. When the malfunction indicator is il-
luminated, the system may not be able to
detect or signal low tire pressure as in-
tended. TPMS malfunctions may occur
for a variety of reasons, including the in-
stallation of replacement or alternate
tires or wheels on the vehicle that prevent
the TPMS from functioning properly. Al-
ways check the TPMS malfunction telltale
after replacing one or more tires or wheels
on your vehicle to ensure that the re-
placement or alternate tires and wheels
allow the TPMS to continue to function
If the TPMS indicator does not illuminate
for 3 seconds when the ignition switch is
turned to the ON position or engine is run-
ning, or if it comes on after blinking for ap-
proximately one minute, we recommend
that you contact an authorized HYUNDAI