• Improper jump starting procedure
can result in battery explosion and
acid burn hazard.
• Loosely connected battery cables
could damage the electronic control
• To disconnect battery terminals wait
for at least 2 minutes to allow dis-
charge of high voltage or it could lead
to personal injury.
• While disconnecting, always discon-
nect the -VE terminal first and while
connecting, always connect the -VE
terminal last.
To prevent damage to your vehicle:
• Only use a 12-volt power supply (bat-
tery or jumper system) to jump start
your vehicle.
• Do not attempt to jump start your ve-
hicle by push-starting.
An inappropriately disposed
battery can be harmful to the
environment and human
health. Dispose the battery ac-
cording to your local law(s) or
While jump starting your vehicle, avoid
the positive (+) and negative (-) cables to
come in contact. A spark could cause
personal injury.
Jump starting procedure
1. Position the vehicles close enough
that the jumper cables will reach, but
do not allow the vehicles to touch.
2. Avoid fans or any moving parts in the
engine compartment at all times, even
when the vehicles are turned off.
3. Turn off all electrical devices such as
radios, lights, air conditioning, etc. Put
the vehicles in P (Park, for continuous-
ly variable transmission) or neutral (for
manual transmission vehicle), and set
the parking brakes. Turn both vehicles
4. Open the engine hood.
Before jump starting, make sure to cor-
rectly identify the positive (+) and nega-
tive (-) terminals to avoid reverse polari-
ty connections.