Instrument cluster
The odometer indicates the total dis-
tance that the vehicle has been driv-
en and should be used to determine
when periodic maintenance should
be performed.
Distance to empty
The distance to empty is the esti-
mated distance the vehicle can be
driven with the remaining fuel.
If the estimated distance is below 1
km (1 mi.), the trip computer will
display “---” as distance to empty.
• If the vehicle is not on level ground
or the battery power has been inter
rupted, the distance to empty func
tion may not operate correctly.
• The distance to empty may differ
from the actual driving distance as
it is an estimate of the available
driving distance.
• The trip computer may not register
additional fuel if less than 6 liters
(1.6 gallons) of fuel are added to the
• The distance to empty may vary sig
nificantly based on driving condi
tions, driving habits, and condition
of the vehicle.