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Passenger's Airbag
When installing a container of liquid air
freshener inside a vehicle, do not place it
near the instrument cluster nor on the in-
strument panel pad surface. If there is any
leakage from the air freshener onto these
areas (Instrument cluster, instrument panel
pad or air ventilator), it may damage these
parts. If the liquid from the air freshener
does leak onto these areas, wash them with
water immediately.
o When the SRS is activated, there may be
a loud noise and fine dust will be re-
leased throughout the vehicle. These con-
ditions are normal and are not hazard-
ous. However, the fine dust generated
during airbag deployment may cause skin
irritation. Be sure to wash your hands
and face thoroughly with lukewarm wa-
ter and a mild soap after an accident in
which the airbags were deployed.
o The SRS can function only when the
ignition key is in the “ON” position. If the
SRS SRI does not come on, or continu-
ously remains on, after flashing for about
6 seconds when the ignition key is turned
to the “ON” position, or after the engine
is started, or comes on while driving, the
SRS is not working properly. If this oc-
curs, have your vehicle immediately in-
spected by your Hyundai dealer.
o Before you replace a fuse or disconnect
a battery terminal, turn the ignition key to
the “LOCK” position or remove the igni-
tion key. Never remove or replace the air
bag related fuse(s) when the ignition key
is in the “ON” position. Failure to heed
this warning will cause the SRS SRI to
Luggage or other cargo heavier than 33 lbs
(15 kg) should not be placed on the passen-
ger front seat. This can allow the deploy-
ment of the front passenger and/or side air
bag in the case of an accident.
The Passenger Presence Detection system
is not intended to prevent airbag deploy-
ment while a child is in the front passen-
ger's seat. It is intended only as a means to
reduce unnecessary collision damage re-
pair expense by preventing airbag and seat
belt pretensioner deployment when the right
front passenger seat is unoccupied. Deploy-
ment is still possible if only a few pounds
are placed upon the seat. Therefore, chil-
dren must not be transported in the front
seat. All children must be seated in the rear
seat and properly restrained with the vehi-
cle's restraint system or a child restraint
system appropriate for the child's size and
The passenger presence detection system de-
tects the presence of a passenger in the right
front seat. If no passenger is recognized on the
front passenger seat, the deployment of the
front passenger and/or side airbag and seat belt
pretensioner will be prevented.
This system is designed to prevent the replace-
ment of airbag components that deploy need-
lessly in an accident.