HyQuest Solutions Pty Ltd
Point Velocity Display - Model PVD100
Issue 1.00 4 Apr, 2007
M XXX 40
M XXX 40
This display position shows the selection of the measuring
interval. The measuring interval is chosen within a selection
menu. The measuring interval is selected in 10-second
increments to a maximum of 90 seconds. A measuring interval
selection of ‘0’ means a ‘continuous’ measurement with no
time limit. With this time interval selection, the operator must
depress the ‘SELECT’ button to stop the measurement at the next meter contact closure or the
‘ON/OFF’ button to simply stop and end the measurement.
This display position shows the indication of a current meter
fault. When the indicator appears, a meter fault has been
detected. When the fault is cleared, the indicating character
will disappear. If a fault has been detected during the
measurement, the symbol will appear at the end of the
measurement and will remain shown on the display until a
new measurement is made.
In Summary (VELOCITY/COUNTS selected for COUNTS)
M XXX 40
M = Mag Head
C = Cats Whisker
Contact Counts
Measuring Interval in Secs
0 = Continuous
N = Normal Speed
S = Slow Speed
Elapsed Time in Secs
Blank = OK
* = Fault Detected