Last change 04/2016 E-P – AL/TW/PW | Subject to technical modifications
Appendices 5
– Behaviour in emergency case
All general safety regulations as well as the rules in view of the behaviour in an emergency case
must be regarded when handling with chlorine dioxide.
Emergency telephone:
- Fire brigade:
- Emergency office toxic substances
Protective measurements
– unintended release of chlorine dioxide:
Wear protective clothing (gas mask, protective gloves, protective apron, rubber boots)!
Sufficient ventilation must be guaranteed!
A gas mask must be worn at the influence of gas and vapour!
Contact with eyes and skin must be avoided!
Not protected persons must be kept away!
At spilling:
The product must not dry. There is a corrosion risk for metals.
The spilled chemical must be removed with inert material (sand, fossile meal). The material
must be disposed of as prescribed and any residues diluted and flushed away with water.
No flammable or oxidizing materials shall be used!
It is not allowed that chemicals get untreated into drain, surface water, ground water or earth!
When the skin gets in contact it is necessary to wash immediately with sufficient water.
Contaminated clothing must be removed.
When the eyes get in contact it is necessary to wash immediately with sufficient water (at
least 15 minutes).
Consult a doctor!
The person involved must be taken to fresh air she/if he breathed in gas and medical
treatment organized!
If anybody swallowed chemicals, the mouth must be washed carefully with water. Sufficient
water must be drunk in small sips (dilution effect) and an immediate medical treatment
Emergency shower and eye washing facility must be provided adjacent to site!
Fire combat:
Aqueous solutions with chlorine dioxide are not direct flammable. The adjacent fire must be
extinguished with water so that the out flowing gas is diluted.
The fire brigade must be informed about the installed system (capacity) and reactant
materials hydrochloric acid (9 %) and sodium chlorite solution (7.5 %) in order to enable them
to introduce corresponding measurements.